Sunday, October 28, 2007

I'm going bananas!

How do adults do it? I've been so busy lately! I'm having lots of fun, but life just doesn't seem to stop! With my Monday night trips to Starfish Swim School (I'm learning to swim underwater!) and day visits on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to Dayton Learning Center (aka Jack and Jill's), you'd think that I would take it easy on the weekend, but no!

Mom went to Winter Park on Friday; Dad said she was long overdue for some "personal time." Dad and I stayed at home practicing my two new favorite tricks: sitting up and the belly crawl!

Saturday, 27 October 2007

My tummy usually starts grumbling early in the morning so I wake up and eat, then I go back to sleep for a couple more hours. Today, however, Dad and I just stayed up!

Dad and I hopped in the car and went to Boulder. He said that he would drive so I could take a nap.

We met a couple of Dad's students and coworkers at Denny's for breakfast. Apparently the students were taking some test called the ACT, but I didn't know that there were special tests for acting. We wished them good luck and dropped one of the students off at the test.

Then we drove to Broomfield, up on top of a big, windy hill. It was beautiful outside, a cold mist floating in the air and turning my nose pink. We picked up Dad's friend Kyle and headed back to Denver.

Here's where everything gets a little weird. We parked underground in a garage on the 16th Street Mall. Then, Dad put me in a banana costume he made last night while I was sleeping. Then he and his friend put on gorilla suits.

Suddenly, there were gorillas everywhere!! They all looked a little different, except most of them were wearing running shoes.

And we were off! Hundreds of gorillas all chasing me because I was dressed like a banana! Dad ran and ran, trying to protect me, but there were always more! They were all oohing and ahhing at me, which is something that gorillas apparently do when they think something looks cute or delicious.

After the Denver Gorilla Run nobody tried to eat me because Dad finally changed me out of my costume. The gorillas kept oohing and ahhing at me, though.

We all went home and Kyle borrowed our shower. He was getting ready to go to something called the World Series, where a bunch of Rocks were competing against a pair of Red Socks to see who could hit more balls with sticks and run in circles. It sounded really silly if you ask me, but Kyle was very excited.

Dad loves Mom so much he couldn't wait any longer to see her, so we packed up some clothes and drove up to Winter Park. He did all the driving again while I slept (I'll make up for it when I'm sixteen, I promise).

We swayed back and forth on curvy roads beneath giant white mountains.

Yay! Mom looked prettier than ever.

I fall asleep, dreaming of gorillas wearing red socks hitting rocks with bananas.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Swimming, Relatives and World Peace!

There's so much going on lately! It seems like every day I meet someone or learn something new!

On September 9th, Aunt Suzanne flew all the way from Korea (which is like a hundred miles away or something really, really far like that) to visit me. She was really excited to see Uncle Stanley so she only stayed one night, but we still had fun!

I've been staying with my 3rd grandma, Ghodsi, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. She's teaching me Farsi, so I'll have an easier time promoting international peace when I'm the President or Secretary of State. Speaking of peace, did you know that there's an international ceasefire day tomorrow, September 21? I didn't understand why anyone would set the seas on fire, but Mom and Dad explained that it means some kids aren't as lucky as me to have such a peaceful life. I was really sad at first, but then they explained that we can help by using our own talents to make the world a better place! So, I pledged at to use the greatest talent I have right now--cuteness--to encourage world peace! I hope it works!

It's really fun to play with her but soon next week I start going to Jack and Jill's Learning Center, which isn't nearly as bad as it sounds. I don't have to climb any hills or fetch any water, and there are really nice people there that will be sure that I won't fall down and break my crown! There are lots of toys to play with and I'll get to make even more friends, this time with people who are my age!

In case you didn't know, I'm six months old now. Mom and Dad took me to Wash Park Rec Center to celebrate the occasion with swimming lessons! There were lots of other kids there, too, and we all had tons of fun playing in the pool! I don't mean to brag, but I think I'm the youngest person in the class and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who really understands you have to kick your legs to move around. I don't even mind dunking my face in the water, even though Dad says I shouldn't drink too much pool water or there won't be any left for other swimmers...

Grandma and Grandpa J visited last weekend for five days! They took care of me on Saturday while Mom and Dad took a bike ride around Dillon Reservoir. That night I guess Mom and Dad slept for 12 whole hours but I don't really know why--they certainly haven't done anything like that since I've known them. Grandma J and I stayed up late (don't tell Mom and Dad!) and then I slept the entire night dreaming about red and blue birds with buckles on their shoes.

Oh, I almost forgot! Grandpa J turned 70 on Tuesday, even though he still acts like a little kid around me. Happy Birthday!

Uncle Andy visits this weekend. Since becoming the Godfather he's moved to Dallas and bought a really cool house with a nice backyard for my cousin Vegas. We're going to ride bicycles in Fort Collins on Saturday!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Speaking of Questions...

I saw Doctor McGuirk again on Friday! He said I'm "tall and skinny" as "healthy as a horse" and Mom asked, "is that was a good or a bad thing?" She said something about a Glue Factory, but I don't really know what that means. Oh well.

Once again, the nurse poured crazy Rotavirus medicine in my mouth (it kind of tastes like hummingbird food, whatever that is) and stuck me with three needles in the legs. Yes, I screamed, but it didn't hurt as much this time. I'm a big girl now and can handle it.

Speaking of big, I weigh 15 pounds 1.1 ounces! My head is 16 1/2 inches around! And I'm 27 inches tall! Dad says that I should say 2 feet 3 inches because it makes me sound taller but 27 is a bigger number and I've always had two feet, so what's the big deal?

Here's a question: if I'm measured by feet and inches, why are all my clothing sizes by age? Mom says I'm outgrowing a lot of my 6 month stuff and already need 9 month clothes. But some of the 6 month stuff is too big and some is too small. It's all so confusing. Don't these companies realize that not all babies are the same size at the same time?

Speaking of clothing sizes, Mom isn't wearing maternity clothes anymore and she looks awesome! Dad says I have a hot mama, but I don't think she has a fever and she's not wearing a sweater so I'm not sure what he's talking about.

Here's another question: Have you ever seen a waterfall? Aren't they the coolest? It's like this big water fountain in the middle of nature that just keeps running and running! I don't know how it works, but I'm really glad they exist. Two weekends ago Mom and I went to visit our friends LuCinda, Alyssa and Luke in Winter Park and we hiked to a waterfall. It was beautiful!

Speaking of beautiful, LuCinda and Alyssa and their house in Winter Park were really beautiful too! Mom and LuCinda watched romantic comedies (whatever those are) and talked a lot while I played with Alyssa and Luke. I didn't sleep much at night because Mom and I caught a little cold, but we still had tons of fun. Mom says that Alyssa might be my babysitter someday and I think that would be just fine. When we were leaving, Luke tried to kiss me, but Dad says I shouldn't tell that story until I'm a little older. Let's just say that Romeo didn't quite hit the mark, even if he is a good looking older man.

One last question: What's a Romeo?

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Grandma & Grandpa D, Happy Anniversary!

Would you look at these two young lovers? Isn't it great? And Grandma and Grandpa D both still look the same, except Grandma's hair is longer and Grandpa's got scared and ran away!

I had so much fun spending time with Grandma and Grandpa D when they visited last week that I can understand why they've spent 36 years together.

But wait, these pictures make me wonder about something--Grandma and Grandpa D said that someday I'll be "quite a catch." Does that mean that I'll turn into a fish? I don't want to be a fish! Okay, maybe swimming in the ocean and eating littler fish would be fun, but the catching part sounds painful! Who wants to eat a hook, anyway? I'd much rather have sweet potatoes or peas!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Good Luck Grandma D!

I hope everything goes really well for you in Philadelphia because I can't wait to play with you the next time you come to visit!

Dad says you're the toughest lady he knows so I'm not worried, but I'm sending all of my good luck in your direction any way!

I love you lots!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

An Important Service Announcement from Madeleine

In my last blog, I posted a photograph in which peas were all over my face. I would like to take a moment to clarify that every speck eventually went into my mouth and I ate it all.

No peas were harmed in the the making of that photograph.

Peas are green. They are delicious and Mom says even nutritious.

So, if you are a little kid reading this or having your mother read this blog to you as a bedtime story, please understand that you should always eat your peas. If you're a college student spending all of your cash on Taco Bell and Wendys, may I instead suggest peas. Peas are good for adults, too. And really, really, really cute old wrinkly people out there--you should eat peas too. You can even eat them the way I do, all mushed up.

All I am saying is, give peas a chance. Thank you.

Pass the Peas, Please!

Something had to give. I have taste buds too, you know. Tonight, as Mom and Dad sat around munching on wontons and soup and such at the Ming Garden, I decided to let them know that I was interested. I stuck my fingers in their water glasses. I dragged their plates across the table. I clanged my teeny tooth on a spoon. I reached for every single thing they ate... and you know what? As soon as we got home I got to eat PEAS!

Getting what I wanted was really easy... almost too easy... hmmm....

Oh, glorious peas. They're green. In puree form they slide right down. And most importantly, they have flavor! Sweet, glorious flavor!

Plus, when I eat peas, I look like I have a funny green goatee, whatever that is. Dad says it looks like the creature from the Blue Lagoon got his beard trimmed, but I've never been to a lagoon and peas are green so I don't know what he's talking about.

Dad goes back to work tomorrow. He's acting kind of weird--I think it's called sad. But he says that he'll play with me extra at night and everything will be okay.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Is it too much to ask?

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket For a little flavor? I'm not against the idea of trying solid food, don't misunderstand. But Mom and Dad have been feeding me this squishy mushy mush that tastes like nothing! Okay, rice cereal isn't THAT bad, but I get to lick almost anything that's sitting on their plates--mango, eggplant, tomato, carrot, spinach, steak, you name it--but I can't eat any of it! Worse yet, they seem to eat something new every day. It's torture, I tell you, it's torture.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Tooth, the Whole Tooth and Nothing But the Tooth.

That's right. Solid foods beware. There's a new sheriff in town--my new tooth! Frankly I'm not sure what to think of the little thing. It's sharp, it's giving me a headache and I drool like a bloodhound (whatever that is). But Mom and Dad promise that I'll be pleased once I have a complete set. I'm not sure what I have to do to get the others but I'll look into it.

I wanted to share a picture, but the tooth is still too small. Instead, I'll point to it:

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I've also changed my profile photo for the blog, because this...
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
...just isn't me anymore. I'm five months old now. I'm a new girl. Now I look like this:
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Super cute, eh? Dad says I'm letting my good looks go to my head, but I can't think of a better place to put them.

I have lots of other stories to tell about my first trip on a plane and speaking French and talking to penguins and eating this bland mush Mom and Dad think I should enjoy, but they will have to wait for another day. If you just can't wait, click here for pictures from my trip to Montreal, Canada!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

It's a doozy!

Hi everybody! Since Dad went back to work before I could write again, I planned to post logs for lots of recent events that I missed. But Dad can't figure out how to post for a date that's already past. He says that the internet is forcing me to have integrity, whatever that is. So, instead, I'll just post all of the old stuff under today's date. I hope no one minds!

Okey dokey, here we go!

5 May 2007 - Regis University
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Congratulations Gabby! We're really proud of you! Someday I'll probably get my Master's degree, but for now I'm content just being the master of cuteness.

13 May 2007 - Denver, CO

Happy Mother's Day everyone! I took Mom to the Denver Botanical Gardens today for a special brunch. They served shrimp and eggs and silver dollar pancakes (but they weren't silver and I couldn't buy anything with them) and chocolate spewing out of a fountain and lots of other interesting stuff that I'd never seen before. I don't eat food like that yet but Mom seemed to enjoy it. It was really, really hot outside so we stayed in the shade as much as possible. I've never seen so many different trees and flowers and bushes and grasses!

18-28 May 2007 - Kansas

I have a big family! Even better, everyone is really nice! Mom and I took a road trip to visit Grandma and Grandpa J in Benton. I screamed and cried for about 10 hours straight but Mom just wouldn't drive any faster. Apparently there are laws about the speed limit. Dad stayed home to help his students graduate, something he says I'll get to do someday.

After about a week of humid Kansas air and warm grandparent love, I felt fabulous. We met Dad at the airport in Kansas City and stayed the night with Mom's college roommate Kathy. The next day, I had a reunion with all of my cousins, although I don't know how a reunion is possible since I've never met them before. We stayed with Uncle Pat and Aunt Kristina and my cousins Hank and Sophie. Hank and Sophie both looked a little different than I expected, but they liked to lick stuff so we must be related.

I didn't cry very much at all on the way back to Denver, since Dad and Mom took turns sitting in the back with me and I knew how long the trip would take. Plus Dad drove a little over the speed limit, which is all I ask.

4 June 2007 - Denver, CO

Oh, sad day! Poor Mom went back to work today. She looked sad and excited this morning before she left. Dad's doing a decent job of taking care of me so far but there's no substitute for Mom. She's the most spectacular woman in the whole universe. We're going to visit her every day at lunch because I can't wait to see her.

5 June 2007 - Coors Field

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketMy first professional baseball game, and I slept through the whole thing, so Mom and Dad didn't buy me peanuts or crackerjacks! Dad did buy a really nifty Colorado Rockies baseball cap for me though, even if it was way too big I appreciated the gesture. We went with my friends Gabby and Kyle and I think everyone had lots of fun!

8 June 2007 - Washington Park, Denver, CO

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketHappy Birthday Mom! I surprised Mom today with a Dairy Queen Oreo Blizzard Cake, whatever that is. Dad said Mom would like it but I was worried that a blizzard might be too cold and windy to be any fun. Dad told Mom that we were just going to the park to give away cake to strangers, but I invited some people and they surprised her! A few people played volleyball and others rode bikes, while a few played with me in the grass. Afterward, I went to hang out with my friend Carol while Mom and Dad went out for dinner and a movie. It was a great day!

16-17 June 2007 - Monte Vista, CO
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Happy Father's Day! Mom and I surprised Dad with a trip to the Movie Manor, a really neato motel where you can watch a drive-in movie from your room! We stayed in Richard Gere's room, whoever that is. We drove for a really long time down this beautiful mountain road and Dad never guessed where we were going! Tee-hee! Mom and Dad wouldn't let me stay up late to watch the movie, Shrek 3, because they said I wouldn't get the plot without watching the first two movies in the series. Dad and I played on the swings beneath the giant screen before the movie though, so I was satisfied.

The next day we went to the Great Sand Dunes and boy, they are great! I've never seen a sandbox that big! There were hundreds of funny looking people running around, playing in a little stream and hiking up and down the dunes. The gentle wind, the blue sky and the big mountains all made me giddy--I couldn't stop squealing and laughing! Dad carried me the whole time and held an umbrella to keep the sun out of my eyes. He said he felt like a camel in Lawrence of Arabia, but I don't know this Lawrence fellow or what a camel is.

18 June 2007

Oh, fooey with work! I don't understand why adults always do so much! Dad went back to work today and Mom stayed home and worked here. Dad and I had fun together; he showed me how to grab stuff and helped me hold my head up better than before. He taught me how to tell jokes too, because he says Mom's jokes are too cheesy and I shouldn't have any dairy products until I'm older.

19 June 2007

Today I had so much fun! I stayed with Ghodsi and Ziba, our next door neighbors! I'm going to stay with them on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for a little while so Mom can go into work. I don't mind at all; Ghodsi is a really nice lady. She's teaching me Farsi so I can talk to her when I'm older or negotiate diplomatic talks with Iran, whatever that means. If I understand her correctly, she's my third grandma and I can visit anytime I want!

23 June 2007 - Roswell, NM

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketWhew! I'm getting pretty good at this traveling thing! We visited Dad's hometown Roswell to see Uncle Brian and my new Aunt Sunday get married! And guess what? I was the flower girl! Dad said I was such a special flower girl that somebody already threw the rose petals for me. All I had to do was go down the aisle in a pretty green dress with Mom and Dad. Mom had on a pretty new dress, too.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Dad, Uncle Brian and Grandpa D looked like funny penguins in their tuxedos! I was a perfect angel the whole time, watching these two pretty doves swing on a telephone wire behind Brian and Sunday. As soon as the pastor pronounced them husband and wife, they kissed! Angels were so excited that they started crying, and kaboom! A big thunderstorm started pouring tears all over everyone! We ran inside, just in time. I hardly got wet at all.

I got to stay at Grandma and Grandpa D's house and I got to meet my great Uncle Junior and great aunt Sharon, and my great grandma, Mamaw! They really were great! I felt very lucky that they traveled all the way from Lubbock, which I think is in another country called Texas or something, so I could finally meet them, especially Mamaw.

1 July 2007
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Happy July Everybody! Guess what? We have a pet cat named Pecos! I thought I saw something furry moving around on the floor, but until today I'd never fully realized what I was looking at! He's funny! Sometimes, when he comes close to me, I reach out and touch his fur. It's really soft and sticks to my fingers. Mom and Dad say I shouldn't eat it, so I let them wash it off.

I guess I'm pretty lucky to have noticed Pecos. Apparently we had another cat named Abba, with pretty blue eyes and a striped tail. She had what Dad calls the "Wicked Queen" syndrome, she couldn't handle not being the fairest princess of them all. Apparently she dealt with the competition by peeing all over, so Mom and Dad asked her to move out. I hope Pecos behaves! He's really fun!

4 July 2007 - Downtown Denver

Happy Independence Day, everybody! Dad says I should remind everyone to read the Declaration of Independence today, but I don't know what that is so I'll let you decide what you should do.

Instead of letting me celebrate my right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, Mom and Dad took me on my first bicycle ride today! They took away my Liberty by strapping me into this crazy little yellow trailer, nearly scared the Life out of me, and it's like a million degrees outside so right now I'm not very Happy about it! Actually, Dad figured out a way to lay the seat back a little more so I don't tip over, so I'm a lot more comfortable than I was. We shopped around at the REI Flagship store and Dad bought a funny hat. On the way home (once I figured out that the bumps weren't going to hurt me and those other bicycles whizzing by weren't attacking) I fell right asleep.

5-12 July 2007

Hooray, hooray for Grandma and Grandpa J! They came to visit again, which is always guaranteed to be a good time. They took care of me during the day while Mom and Dad went to work and over the weekend they took care of me all night too! Mom and Dad left to go do something called camping, which sounds really fun: you get really dirty and sleep outside! Mom wanted to see a moose, this big hairy animal that can pull rabbits out of its hat and gets chased by bad guys named Boris and Natasha. Dad says they saw three moose, even a baby, right outside their tent on Saturday morning! Mom and Dad were really worried about me (Dad says it's because I'm their first child and I'm not under warranty anymore) but they knew I was in very capable hands. Grandma J stayed up with me as late as I needed and Grandpa J would let me nap on his shoulder as long as I wanted.

Grandma and Grandpa J taught me all about my feet and you know what? Toes are awesome! I can't stop staring at them and grabbing them with my fingers and now Dad's trying to teach me how to pick stuff up with them.

I had lots and lots of fun with Grandma and Grandpa J. I miss them already.

12 July 2007 - Boulder, CO

Wow! I just saw my first William Shakespeare play, A Midsummer Night's Dream. Dad's class had to go see a play at the Colorado Shakespeare Festival, so he invited Mom and I along! Apparently they're a little prejudiced against babies--at first they wouldn't let me in. I promised that I would stay quiet the whole time so they let us stay near the back. The theater was outdoors and the play started right at sunset, so it was really pretty. Dad said the play is about the real world versus the fantasy world and about dreams coming true, so I decided that I'd rather my own dreams come true instead of Shakespeare's, so I slept through most of the play.

13 July 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketDad says that some people think Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. Well, count me in! I went to visit Doctor McGuirk today, which was pleasant enough until his evil nurse returned and poured some weird liquid in my mouth and then stabbed me three times! With giant needles the size of plastic straws! Oh, it was horrible. At least McGuirk had good news--it looks like I am a very healthy baby. I weigh 12 lbs, 11oz and I'm 26" long! Dad says I'll be able to slam dunk any day now, although I don't want to slam or dunk anything. I just want a nap. The lousy shots made me feel a little achy and hot all over. Mom and Dad are going to hold me until I feel better, which helps.

Monday, June 4, 2007

I'm still here, I promise!

Dad's finally on vacation so he's promised to help me catch up on my blog.

And boy, has a lot happened!
I've really changed in the last three weeks. I went from being really, really fussy all the time:

To the sweetest bundle of fun you can imagine:

I'm not sure if it was my trip to Kansas and all that quality Grandma and Grandpa J time or if I'm just growing up, but I feel totally different these days. I now like to spend my days hanging out in my swing or bouncy seat, laughing, smiling, and squealing with excitement when I find something neat about the world I haven't noticed before. A couple weeks ago, all I really wanted to do was cry. I guess it's good that I've changed, because Mom and Dad were talking about shipping me off to Siberia, and I hear (although the people are nice) that it's not the most fun place on the planet.

I hope everyone is well... and that I'll see you all soon!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

35 Percent?!

Can you believe it's already been sixteen days since my last log? Dad says that's 35% of my life! I'm not sure what that little % thing means but Dad was really proud of his calculations so I thought I would mention them anyway.

Well, frankly, I'm pooped! Not in the literal way that I can sometimes be, but just the plain old tired kind of pooped. The sky has poured water on us all day but it's not stopping me! I'm having so much fun lately I can hardly stand by the end of the day--of course, my legs aren't working quite right just yet and my balance feels a little funky these days, so I guess I can't really stand at all.

I've visited the place where Dad goes during the day, had lots of strange creatures that Mom called "teenagers" smile and ooh and ahh at me, hiked a windy mountain, slept through a yoga class, and met two more members of my family (one who is connected to the mob--he called himself my Godfather!). Grandma and Grandpa J visited me again and I'm pretty sure they still like me.

Most recently, I visited that nice Polish priest again and he helped wash away all of my sins. I'm proud to say I'm a very good girl so it didn't take much water. :)

Dad says I have to go to bed now because I need to be "healthy, wealthy and wise," but I don't really know what any of those things are so I'll just go to bed because I'm tired. I'll talk more about my adventures really soon. Mom and Dad bought a camcorder last weekend to record all of my most embarrassing moments, so I'll try to share some of those, too.

Until then, click HERE to see Aunt Suzanne's photos of my baptism!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Lions and tigers and...

Oh, I almost forgot! I went on a jungle safari this morning!

Click on the picture of me being attacked by a giraffe to watch a video!

Happy Easter, Everybunny!

Boy, church is complicated. Mom and Dad dressed me up in a pink dress and a bonnet from the 1800s. Even though they didn't let me walk I had to wear shoes. Mom said I looked like my Great-Grandma Kay but at least I was warm. It's been snowing all day even though Mom says she's ready for spring.

Today I heard a story about Easter. Here's what I understand so far:

During Passover, people don't use any yeast so their bread doesn't rise. Also, they like to boil eggs and decorate them. Jesus hid everyone's eggs, so they were very upset. The Easter Bunny locked Jesus up in a tomb and rolled a giant egg in front of the door. Then everyone went hunting for their eggs. Three days later, when Mary Magdalene was walking past the tomb, the giant egg had rolled away and Jesus was gone!

Apparently people left all of their yeast in the tomb--Jesus had risen!

Mom and Dad said that Easter happens every year so I'll try to get more details next time. I think I would understand more but I slept through most of the service. That's another complicated thing I noticed about church--Mom and Dad really wanted me to fall asleep but other parents wanted their kids to stay awake. Which is it, anyway?

Dad and I took a picture with Father Pawel. I don't think I look like him at all. Sure, his hair is similar and when he smiles he kind of looks like a little kid, but he's much too tall. Plus I don't speak Polish! He told Dad that he knows someone who owns a motel in Roswell. Small world! He gave Mom and Dad a bunch of candy from an Easter basket.

Dad said I'll get an Easter basket of my own next year but he's going to fill it with only healthy stuff. I hope Peeps and Cadbury eggs are healthy because Mom says they're delicious!

On Monday Dad went back to work. Mom and I had lots of fun. We went to a huge park where they wash things (Mom called it Wash Park) and met other mothers and their babies. Mom was certainly the prettiest mother there and I was the youngest baby, so I think we were pretty popular. While Mom ate her peanut butter and jelly sandwich I laid on my back and watch the leaves rustle in the trees. It was magical.

During the week Mom and I visited her friends Julie and Rodney for lunch, played peekaboo, and snacked when I'm hungry. Mom's really nice to me all the time so I've been acting very well. I think she has things she wants to take care of but none of them are as cute as me so she just takes care of me instead.

I'm sleeping lots lately too, since Mom and Dad are starting to figure out what I want and when I want it. To thank them, I've started smiling occasionally and laughing at their jokes. Even when they aren't funny, Mom and Dad deserve to think they are. Dad is always excited to see me when he comes home and makes up really silly songs to sing to me. I guess I'll keep them.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

What's a fool, anyway?

For that matter, what's this April thing everyone's talking about? Dad says that I should say a whole bunch of stuff that isn't true but sounds true for the holiday today, but why would I lie on Palm Sunday? That's just silly. He's been playing practical jokes on me all day. Here's a picture of my reaction to one of his jokes:

Today, when we went to church, the priest was reading palms. Apparently he only does it once a year, but I remember something from Psalms last time, so I don't know if that's the same or not. As a parting gift, we took home part of a tree!

I almost forgot to tell everyone: my umbilical cord fell off about a week ago! It was old and crusty and I was happy to finally be rid of it. The darn thing stopped feeding me every since I decided to come outside and play. I think it was mad at me. Interesting fact, though: my belly button is actually a button! It must be true because Mom said so, and Dad likes when I say that because he says it's funny for April Fool's Day. I hope that the thread is really strong because I wouldn't want it to fall off--it's really cute!

Dad says that I shouldn't be baring my midriff for pictures on the internet, but I have to share. That is an adorable belly, if I do say so myself!

Mom's investment club invited me over for a meeting and they unanimously voted me the new president. My responsibilities don't begin until 2025, but I think they'll let me pick stocks before then.

Mom and Dad's friends Ted and Marta came over to visit. They brought a special chair for me that's squishy and purple. It's a little big still but I told them that I didn't mind. I'll eat extra to make it fit.

Well, I have to go tuck Mom and Dad into bed now. Dad keeps crying because he has to go to something called work tomorrow. He's such a big baby. I hope he doesn't keep me up all night.

Friday, March 30, 2007

It's not easy being three...

...weeks, that is! Mom and Dad say I'll be three weeks old tomorrow, but I FEEL a lot older! So much has happened to me, even since my visit to Doctor McGuirk.

On Sunday, I went to church for the first time! One priest was outside. He was very smiley and nice to me. He touched my forehead, blessed me, and you know what? I slept through the entire mass! It's too bad, though, because Mom and Dad think that I look like the Polish priest who delivered the sermon--he's got brown hair like mine and a round face. I'll be the judge next time!

We've been on long walks, car trips, and lots of time at home. I'm starting to get this world figured out, so now sometimes it's hard for me to sleep. There are just so many new exciting things! Other nights I sleep lots and when I wake up Mom and Dad look really happy, so I think I'll try harder to do that more often. I can't say that it will be easy, though, because Mom and Dad only want to sleep when it's dark, not just when they're sleepy! How do they do that? It's weird if you ask me.

Yesterday, when Mom opened up the window blinds, there was white stuff covering everything! Dad called it snow. Something about it made him really excited. Mom suggested that I should go jump in the snow like the kitties, and it looked really soft, but when we got to the window it felt really cold. Maybe I'll jump in the snow next time.

We bundled up and went out to dinner at Lodo's. There were crayons on the table for me, but I decided I'd rather sleep and let Mom and Dad have a nice dinner.

Today, all of the snow disappeared! Where did it go? Dad said the sun chased it away, but I think that's silly. Why would snow be afraid of the sun? They're both so bright!

This afternoon, during a nap, I had a dream about my grandparents. In the dream, they were playing with me and smiling lots.

I wonder what they're up to these days?

Mom and Dad say there are lots of other people in our family, too.

I can't wait to meet them all--they sound super neato!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Good work McGuirk!

Today has been very, very busy. I found out why Mom and Dad gave me a bath: they took me back to that hospital place again. They kept saying, "It's your first doctor's visit!" but I remember meeting lots of doctors the last time I was here. I guess this doctor is special. I thought his name was Petey Atrician, but Dad said his name is McGuirk. Dad also said he was really, really old and wrinkly, but Dad was totally wrong. Silly Dad.

A nice lady nurse poked at me with stuff and set me in a big plastic box. The box flashed some numbers: 7 pounds 10 ounces. I guess those numbers are lucky or better than other numbers, because Mom and Dad and the nurse were really happy when they saw them. The nurse also said that I grew half an inch, but I'm sure I've grown at least five-eighths.

Doc McGuirk came in after and made weird faces and noises at me like Dad and Mom do sometimes. He was pretty fun. He said that I was a "boring patient" which he said is a good thing. I guess it means that he thinks I'm fabulous. I hardly fussed at all and Mom said I was a very good girl. I totally agree.

Then we went downstairs to this evil place called the Labrador Torrey. There weren't any puppies but there was some evil, ugly lady who stuck my heel with a needle and squeezed blood out of it for practically an hour! I'd rather never go back there again. But I'm tough, so I could probably handle it.

Later at Target, Mom and Dad both wandered off--Dad looking at ground pork, Mom looking at plums--and left me sitting in the grocery cart near the deli. It was only for two seconds and I was fine. I can take care of myself, you know. They both laughed but they both looked a little worried. I think they both thought the other would watch me. Silly parents. They should get some sleep!

Baths are worse than being hungry!

Mom and Dad just poured water on my head again! That's the second time this week! What did I do to them? First, they took all my clothes off, then they got me wet all over, and then they rubbed this weird feeling gooey stuff in my hair! The head massage was kind of nice but then they poured water on my head again!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Fort Collins is humongerous!

Today Mom and Dad took me to Fort Collins to meet Mom's friend Joanna. After a long, long car ride on something called an interstate, we finally stopped, Mom fed me lunch and Dad changed my diaper in a pretty park. I dozed off while Mom and Dad ate their picnic lunch. Dad found out that it's okay to take strollers on the New Belgium Brewery tour but didn't get any tickets, so we just looked at all the pretty bicycles outside instead. Oh, someday my feet will reach the pedals!

We walked around Old Town, which all looked new to me, and Dad changed my diaper in a neat store full of stuff that was my size! I tried on some sunglasses. They looked fabulous on me.

I met Joanna in a room full of colorful books called a library--some that I already have! She was very, very nice.

After I patiently waited for Mom, Dad and Joanna to eat (okay, maybe I was a little fussy) we drove on the interstate again and came back home. Mom took a bath while Dad and I played Spaceship Madeleine. All in all, it was a good day. :)