Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter, Everybunny!

Boy, church is complicated. Mom and Dad dressed me up in a pink dress and a bonnet from the 1800s. Even though they didn't let me walk I had to wear shoes. Mom said I looked like my Great-Grandma Kay but at least I was warm. It's been snowing all day even though Mom says she's ready for spring.

Today I heard a story about Easter. Here's what I understand so far:

During Passover, people don't use any yeast so their bread doesn't rise. Also, they like to boil eggs and decorate them. Jesus hid everyone's eggs, so they were very upset. The Easter Bunny locked Jesus up in a tomb and rolled a giant egg in front of the door. Then everyone went hunting for their eggs. Three days later, when Mary Magdalene was walking past the tomb, the giant egg had rolled away and Jesus was gone!

Apparently people left all of their yeast in the tomb--Jesus had risen!

Mom and Dad said that Easter happens every year so I'll try to get more details next time. I think I would understand more but I slept through most of the service. That's another complicated thing I noticed about church--Mom and Dad really wanted me to fall asleep but other parents wanted their kids to stay awake. Which is it, anyway?

Dad and I took a picture with Father Pawel. I don't think I look like him at all. Sure, his hair is similar and when he smiles he kind of looks like a little kid, but he's much too tall. Plus I don't speak Polish! He told Dad that he knows someone who owns a motel in Roswell. Small world! He gave Mom and Dad a bunch of candy from an Easter basket.

Dad said I'll get an Easter basket of my own next year but he's going to fill it with only healthy stuff. I hope Peeps and Cadbury eggs are healthy because Mom says they're delicious!

On Monday Dad went back to work. Mom and I had lots of fun. We went to a huge park where they wash things (Mom called it Wash Park) and met other mothers and their babies. Mom was certainly the prettiest mother there and I was the youngest baby, so I think we were pretty popular. While Mom ate her peanut butter and jelly sandwich I laid on my back and watch the leaves rustle in the trees. It was magical.

During the week Mom and I visited her friends Julie and Rodney for lunch, played peekaboo, and snacked when I'm hungry. Mom's really nice to me all the time so I've been acting very well. I think she has things she wants to take care of but none of them are as cute as me so she just takes care of me instead.

I'm sleeping lots lately too, since Mom and Dad are starting to figure out what I want and when I want it. To thank them, I've started smiling occasionally and laughing at their jokes. Even when they aren't funny, Mom and Dad deserve to think they are. Dad is always excited to see me when he comes home and makes up really silly songs to sing to me. I guess I'll keep them.

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