Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Is it too much to ask?

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket For a little flavor? I'm not against the idea of trying solid food, don't misunderstand. But Mom and Dad have been feeding me this squishy mushy mush that tastes like nothing! Okay, rice cereal isn't THAT bad, but I get to lick almost anything that's sitting on their plates--mango, eggplant, tomato, carrot, spinach, steak, you name it--but I can't eat any of it! Worse yet, they seem to eat something new every day. It's torture, I tell you, it's torture.


GrandmaJ said...

Don't worry Maddie, you'll be eating meat and potatoes befoe you know it.


Jetjohnson said...

Madeleine - let your parents know that if you're going to start chores at this early age, that you'll provide an itimized invoice. Plate cleaning by licking comes at a handsome price that could land you a really nice car or fine education some day!

Jetjohnson said...

Dear Madeleine,
Just checking in from Hong Kong, and wanted you to know that I can read your blog from here. the bonus? The commands are in English!
Love, Aunt Suzanne