Monday, August 20, 2007

Good Luck Grandma D!

I hope everything goes really well for you in Philadelphia because I can't wait to play with you the next time you come to visit!

Dad says you're the toughest lady he knows so I'm not worried, but I'm sending all of my good luck in your direction any way!

I love you lots!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

An Important Service Announcement from Madeleine

In my last blog, I posted a photograph in which peas were all over my face. I would like to take a moment to clarify that every speck eventually went into my mouth and I ate it all.

No peas were harmed in the the making of that photograph.

Peas are green. They are delicious and Mom says even nutritious.

So, if you are a little kid reading this or having your mother read this blog to you as a bedtime story, please understand that you should always eat your peas. If you're a college student spending all of your cash on Taco Bell and Wendys, may I instead suggest peas. Peas are good for adults, too. And really, really, really cute old wrinkly people out there--you should eat peas too. You can even eat them the way I do, all mushed up.

All I am saying is, give peas a chance. Thank you.

Pass the Peas, Please!

Something had to give. I have taste buds too, you know. Tonight, as Mom and Dad sat around munching on wontons and soup and such at the Ming Garden, I decided to let them know that I was interested. I stuck my fingers in their water glasses. I dragged their plates across the table. I clanged my teeny tooth on a spoon. I reached for every single thing they ate... and you know what? As soon as we got home I got to eat PEAS!

Getting what I wanted was really easy... almost too easy... hmmm....

Oh, glorious peas. They're green. In puree form they slide right down. And most importantly, they have flavor! Sweet, glorious flavor!

Plus, when I eat peas, I look like I have a funny green goatee, whatever that is. Dad says it looks like the creature from the Blue Lagoon got his beard trimmed, but I've never been to a lagoon and peas are green so I don't know what he's talking about.

Dad goes back to work tomorrow. He's acting kind of weird--I think it's called sad. But he says that he'll play with me extra at night and everything will be okay.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Is it too much to ask?

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket For a little flavor? I'm not against the idea of trying solid food, don't misunderstand. But Mom and Dad have been feeding me this squishy mushy mush that tastes like nothing! Okay, rice cereal isn't THAT bad, but I get to lick almost anything that's sitting on their plates--mango, eggplant, tomato, carrot, spinach, steak, you name it--but I can't eat any of it! Worse yet, they seem to eat something new every day. It's torture, I tell you, it's torture.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Tooth, the Whole Tooth and Nothing But the Tooth.

That's right. Solid foods beware. There's a new sheriff in town--my new tooth! Frankly I'm not sure what to think of the little thing. It's sharp, it's giving me a headache and I drool like a bloodhound (whatever that is). But Mom and Dad promise that I'll be pleased once I have a complete set. I'm not sure what I have to do to get the others but I'll look into it.

I wanted to share a picture, but the tooth is still too small. Instead, I'll point to it:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I've also changed my profile photo for the blog, because this...
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
...just isn't me anymore. I'm five months old now. I'm a new girl. Now I look like this:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Super cute, eh? Dad says I'm letting my good looks go to my head, but I can't think of a better place to put them.

I have lots of other stories to tell about my first trip on a plane and speaking French and talking to penguins and eating this bland mush Mom and Dad think I should enjoy, but they will have to wait for another day. If you just can't wait, click here for pictures from my trip to Montreal, Canada!