It's been a really long time since I last wrote and so much has happened! I want to tell you all about Halloween and Christmas and my teeth and blowing raspberries and the snow--but everyone only seems interested in my ears these days. The rumors are spreading quickly, so I should probably set the record straight.
I might be deaf, or profoundly hearing impaired. I can't hear sounds, even really loud ones. Apparently people and car horns and iPods (whatever those are) all make the air vibrate. My ears are supposed to notice these vibrations and convince my brain that there's something called sound happening. My ears, however, are only cute.
My ears may never hear sounds. Dad says that's okay, because I won't have to hear all of the mean, awful, ugly sounds that exist in the world. I won't have to hear crying or gunshots or curse words or rude people burping. Mom wishes that I could hear all of the happy things like chirping birds and her lullabies and Duran Duran.
I really appreciate how concerned everyone has been since they found out the news.
I know some of you are really sad that I'm different, but I haven't changed! I think I've always been this way. The only thing that's changed is the fact that everyone finally knows. Each one of us is different in our own way; this is how I am different. That's the only thing we all have in common: we're all different! I'm still the same extraordinarily adorable girl that loves to laugh and eat bananas and smile at everyone I meet.
I've seen a few new doctors lately and they have poked around in my ears and hooked wires up to me and filled my ears with weird pink plastic stuff. They think someday I might be able to use my ears to hear sounds if I get a little help from hearings aids or this thing called a cochlear implant.
Until then, I'm learning to hear with my eyes and my fingers and my nose. My eyes are really good at hearing things and I can certainly talk with my hands! (Hopefully Mom and Dad will figure out what I've been saying to them!)
If it's possible, I wouldn't mind if my ears could pick up on those vibrations in the air. But if I can't, I know I'll still be just as happy because my family and friends love me so much!