Sunday, October 28, 2007

I'm going bananas!

How do adults do it? I've been so busy lately! I'm having lots of fun, but life just doesn't seem to stop! With my Monday night trips to Starfish Swim School (I'm learning to swim underwater!) and day visits on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to Dayton Learning Center (aka Jack and Jill's), you'd think that I would take it easy on the weekend, but no!

Mom went to Winter Park on Friday; Dad said she was long overdue for some "personal time." Dad and I stayed at home practicing my two new favorite tricks: sitting up and the belly crawl!

Saturday, 27 October 2007

My tummy usually starts grumbling early in the morning so I wake up and eat, then I go back to sleep for a couple more hours. Today, however, Dad and I just stayed up!

Dad and I hopped in the car and went to Boulder. He said that he would drive so I could take a nap.

We met a couple of Dad's students and coworkers at Denny's for breakfast. Apparently the students were taking some test called the ACT, but I didn't know that there were special tests for acting. We wished them good luck and dropped one of the students off at the test.

Then we drove to Broomfield, up on top of a big, windy hill. It was beautiful outside, a cold mist floating in the air and turning my nose pink. We picked up Dad's friend Kyle and headed back to Denver.

Here's where everything gets a little weird. We parked underground in a garage on the 16th Street Mall. Then, Dad put me in a banana costume he made last night while I was sleeping. Then he and his friend put on gorilla suits.

Suddenly, there were gorillas everywhere!! They all looked a little different, except most of them were wearing running shoes.

And we were off! Hundreds of gorillas all chasing me because I was dressed like a banana! Dad ran and ran, trying to protect me, but there were always more! They were all oohing and ahhing at me, which is something that gorillas apparently do when they think something looks cute or delicious.

After the Denver Gorilla Run nobody tried to eat me because Dad finally changed me out of my costume. The gorillas kept oohing and ahhing at me, though.

We all went home and Kyle borrowed our shower. He was getting ready to go to something called the World Series, where a bunch of Rocks were competing against a pair of Red Socks to see who could hit more balls with sticks and run in circles. It sounded really silly if you ask me, but Kyle was very excited.

Dad loves Mom so much he couldn't wait any longer to see her, so we packed up some clothes and drove up to Winter Park. He did all the driving again while I slept (I'll make up for it when I'm sixteen, I promise).

We swayed back and forth on curvy roads beneath giant white mountains.

Yay! Mom looked prettier than ever.

I fall asleep, dreaming of gorillas wearing red socks hitting rocks with bananas.


GrandmaJ said...

You look cute enough to eat!
Can't wait to see you again.
Love, grandmaJ

GrandmaD said...

Hello Madeleine,
It as so good to hear from you again. That banana suit is so cute and I bet you and Dad did great on your first run. Hope you enjoyed your time with Dad and the run but I bet you were glad to see you Mom too. Keep growing so you can keep up with your Mom and Dad. We will see you soon!
Love, Grandma D

Jetjohnson said...

It's been since Oct. since you've provided a report. What's up?

Aunt Suzanne and Uncle Stan

PS: You didn't compete in Guitar Hero in Benton. WTF?