Sunday, July 15, 2007

It's a doozy!

Hi everybody! Since Dad went back to work before I could write again, I planned to post logs for lots of recent events that I missed. But Dad can't figure out how to post for a date that's already past. He says that the internet is forcing me to have integrity, whatever that is. So, instead, I'll just post all of the old stuff under today's date. I hope no one minds!

Okey dokey, here we go!

5 May 2007 - Regis University
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Congratulations Gabby! We're really proud of you! Someday I'll probably get my Master's degree, but for now I'm content just being the master of cuteness.

13 May 2007 - Denver, CO

Happy Mother's Day everyone! I took Mom to the Denver Botanical Gardens today for a special brunch. They served shrimp and eggs and silver dollar pancakes (but they weren't silver and I couldn't buy anything with them) and chocolate spewing out of a fountain and lots of other interesting stuff that I'd never seen before. I don't eat food like that yet but Mom seemed to enjoy it. It was really, really hot outside so we stayed in the shade as much as possible. I've never seen so many different trees and flowers and bushes and grasses!

18-28 May 2007 - Kansas

I have a big family! Even better, everyone is really nice! Mom and I took a road trip to visit Grandma and Grandpa J in Benton. I screamed and cried for about 10 hours straight but Mom just wouldn't drive any faster. Apparently there are laws about the speed limit. Dad stayed home to help his students graduate, something he says I'll get to do someday.

After about a week of humid Kansas air and warm grandparent love, I felt fabulous. We met Dad at the airport in Kansas City and stayed the night with Mom's college roommate Kathy. The next day, I had a reunion with all of my cousins, although I don't know how a reunion is possible since I've never met them before. We stayed with Uncle Pat and Aunt Kristina and my cousins Hank and Sophie. Hank and Sophie both looked a little different than I expected, but they liked to lick stuff so we must be related.

I didn't cry very much at all on the way back to Denver, since Dad and Mom took turns sitting in the back with me and I knew how long the trip would take. Plus Dad drove a little over the speed limit, which is all I ask.

4 June 2007 - Denver, CO

Oh, sad day! Poor Mom went back to work today. She looked sad and excited this morning before she left. Dad's doing a decent job of taking care of me so far but there's no substitute for Mom. She's the most spectacular woman in the whole universe. We're going to visit her every day at lunch because I can't wait to see her.

5 June 2007 - Coors Field

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketMy first professional baseball game, and I slept through the whole thing, so Mom and Dad didn't buy me peanuts or crackerjacks! Dad did buy a really nifty Colorado Rockies baseball cap for me though, even if it was way too big I appreciated the gesture. We went with my friends Gabby and Kyle and I think everyone had lots of fun!

8 June 2007 - Washington Park, Denver, CO

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketHappy Birthday Mom! I surprised Mom today with a Dairy Queen Oreo Blizzard Cake, whatever that is. Dad said Mom would like it but I was worried that a blizzard might be too cold and windy to be any fun. Dad told Mom that we were just going to the park to give away cake to strangers, but I invited some people and they surprised her! A few people played volleyball and others rode bikes, while a few played with me in the grass. Afterward, I went to hang out with my friend Carol while Mom and Dad went out for dinner and a movie. It was a great day!

16-17 June 2007 - Monte Vista, CO
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Happy Father's Day! Mom and I surprised Dad with a trip to the Movie Manor, a really neato motel where you can watch a drive-in movie from your room! We stayed in Richard Gere's room, whoever that is. We drove for a really long time down this beautiful mountain road and Dad never guessed where we were going! Tee-hee! Mom and Dad wouldn't let me stay up late to watch the movie, Shrek 3, because they said I wouldn't get the plot without watching the first two movies in the series. Dad and I played on the swings beneath the giant screen before the movie though, so I was satisfied.

The next day we went to the Great Sand Dunes and boy, they are great! I've never seen a sandbox that big! There were hundreds of funny looking people running around, playing in a little stream and hiking up and down the dunes. The gentle wind, the blue sky and the big mountains all made me giddy--I couldn't stop squealing and laughing! Dad carried me the whole time and held an umbrella to keep the sun out of my eyes. He said he felt like a camel in Lawrence of Arabia, but I don't know this Lawrence fellow or what a camel is.

18 June 2007

Oh, fooey with work! I don't understand why adults always do so much! Dad went back to work today and Mom stayed home and worked here. Dad and I had fun together; he showed me how to grab stuff and helped me hold my head up better than before. He taught me how to tell jokes too, because he says Mom's jokes are too cheesy and I shouldn't have any dairy products until I'm older.

19 June 2007

Today I had so much fun! I stayed with Ghodsi and Ziba, our next door neighbors! I'm going to stay with them on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for a little while so Mom can go into work. I don't mind at all; Ghodsi is a really nice lady. She's teaching me Farsi so I can talk to her when I'm older or negotiate diplomatic talks with Iran, whatever that means. If I understand her correctly, she's my third grandma and I can visit anytime I want!

23 June 2007 - Roswell, NM

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketWhew! I'm getting pretty good at this traveling thing! We visited Dad's hometown Roswell to see Uncle Brian and my new Aunt Sunday get married! And guess what? I was the flower girl! Dad said I was such a special flower girl that somebody already threw the rose petals for me. All I had to do was go down the aisle in a pretty green dress with Mom and Dad. Mom had on a pretty new dress, too.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Dad, Uncle Brian and Grandpa D looked like funny penguins in their tuxedos! I was a perfect angel the whole time, watching these two pretty doves swing on a telephone wire behind Brian and Sunday. As soon as the pastor pronounced them husband and wife, they kissed! Angels were so excited that they started crying, and kaboom! A big thunderstorm started pouring tears all over everyone! We ran inside, just in time. I hardly got wet at all.

I got to stay at Grandma and Grandpa D's house and I got to meet my great Uncle Junior and great aunt Sharon, and my great grandma, Mamaw! They really were great! I felt very lucky that they traveled all the way from Lubbock, which I think is in another country called Texas or something, so I could finally meet them, especially Mamaw.

1 July 2007
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Happy July Everybody! Guess what? We have a pet cat named Pecos! I thought I saw something furry moving around on the floor, but until today I'd never fully realized what I was looking at! He's funny! Sometimes, when he comes close to me, I reach out and touch his fur. It's really soft and sticks to my fingers. Mom and Dad say I shouldn't eat it, so I let them wash it off.

I guess I'm pretty lucky to have noticed Pecos. Apparently we had another cat named Abba, with pretty blue eyes and a striped tail. She had what Dad calls the "Wicked Queen" syndrome, she couldn't handle not being the fairest princess of them all. Apparently she dealt with the competition by peeing all over, so Mom and Dad asked her to move out. I hope Pecos behaves! He's really fun!

4 July 2007 - Downtown Denver

Happy Independence Day, everybody! Dad says I should remind everyone to read the Declaration of Independence today, but I don't know what that is so I'll let you decide what you should do.

Instead of letting me celebrate my right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, Mom and Dad took me on my first bicycle ride today! They took away my Liberty by strapping me into this crazy little yellow trailer, nearly scared the Life out of me, and it's like a million degrees outside so right now I'm not very Happy about it! Actually, Dad figured out a way to lay the seat back a little more so I don't tip over, so I'm a lot more comfortable than I was. We shopped around at the REI Flagship store and Dad bought a funny hat. On the way home (once I figured out that the bumps weren't going to hurt me and those other bicycles whizzing by weren't attacking) I fell right asleep.

5-12 July 2007

Hooray, hooray for Grandma and Grandpa J! They came to visit again, which is always guaranteed to be a good time. They took care of me during the day while Mom and Dad went to work and over the weekend they took care of me all night too! Mom and Dad left to go do something called camping, which sounds really fun: you get really dirty and sleep outside! Mom wanted to see a moose, this big hairy animal that can pull rabbits out of its hat and gets chased by bad guys named Boris and Natasha. Dad says they saw three moose, even a baby, right outside their tent on Saturday morning! Mom and Dad were really worried about me (Dad says it's because I'm their first child and I'm not under warranty anymore) but they knew I was in very capable hands. Grandma J stayed up with me as late as I needed and Grandpa J would let me nap on his shoulder as long as I wanted.

Grandma and Grandpa J taught me all about my feet and you know what? Toes are awesome! I can't stop staring at them and grabbing them with my fingers and now Dad's trying to teach me how to pick stuff up with them.

I had lots and lots of fun with Grandma and Grandpa J. I miss them already.

12 July 2007 - Boulder, CO

Wow! I just saw my first William Shakespeare play, A Midsummer Night's Dream. Dad's class had to go see a play at the Colorado Shakespeare Festival, so he invited Mom and I along! Apparently they're a little prejudiced against babies--at first they wouldn't let me in. I promised that I would stay quiet the whole time so they let us stay near the back. The theater was outdoors and the play started right at sunset, so it was really pretty. Dad said the play is about the real world versus the fantasy world and about dreams coming true, so I decided that I'd rather my own dreams come true instead of Shakespeare's, so I slept through most of the play.

13 July 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketDad says that some people think Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. Well, count me in! I went to visit Doctor McGuirk today, which was pleasant enough until his evil nurse returned and poured some weird liquid in my mouth and then stabbed me three times! With giant needles the size of plastic straws! Oh, it was horrible. At least McGuirk had good news--it looks like I am a very healthy baby. I weigh 12 lbs, 11oz and I'm 26" long! Dad says I'll be able to slam dunk any day now, although I don't want to slam or dunk anything. I just want a nap. The lousy shots made me feel a little achy and hot all over. Mom and Dad are going to hold me until I feel better, which helps.


GrandmaJ said...

Maddie you are the light of our world.

Gail said...

Hi Maddie,
You've been to more places in the few months you've been on earth than I have. You're a world traveler seeing people from other countries like Texas. :)

Ask mom if you can come to the office one day to visit the crew. I'm sure everyone wants to see how much you've grown.

Keep sharing your adventures and travels!
