Tuesday, April 24, 2007

35 Percent?!

Can you believe it's already been sixteen days since my last log? Dad says that's 35% of my life! I'm not sure what that little % thing means but Dad was really proud of his calculations so I thought I would mention them anyway.

Well, frankly, I'm pooped! Not in the literal way that I can sometimes be, but just the plain old tired kind of pooped. The sky has poured water on us all day but it's not stopping me! I'm having so much fun lately I can hardly stand by the end of the day--of course, my legs aren't working quite right just yet and my balance feels a little funky these days, so I guess I can't really stand at all.

I've visited the place where Dad goes during the day, had lots of strange creatures that Mom called "teenagers" smile and ooh and ahh at me, hiked a windy mountain, slept through a yoga class, and met two more members of my family (one who is connected to the mob--he called himself my Godfather!). Grandma and Grandpa J visited me again and I'm pretty sure they still like me.

Most recently, I visited that nice Polish priest again and he helped wash away all of my sins. I'm proud to say I'm a very good girl so it didn't take much water. :)

Dad says I have to go to bed now because I need to be "healthy, wealthy and wise," but I don't really know what any of those things are so I'll just go to bed because I'm tired. I'll talk more about my adventures really soon. Mom and Dad bought a camcorder last weekend to record all of my most embarrassing moments, so I'll try to share some of those, too.

Until then, click HERE to see Aunt Suzanne's photos of my baptism!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Lions and tigers and...

Oh, I almost forgot! I went on a jungle safari this morning!

Click on the picture of me being attacked by a giraffe to watch a video!

Happy Easter, Everybunny!

Boy, church is complicated. Mom and Dad dressed me up in a pink dress and a bonnet from the 1800s. Even though they didn't let me walk I had to wear shoes. Mom said I looked like my Great-Grandma Kay but at least I was warm. It's been snowing all day even though Mom says she's ready for spring.

Today I heard a story about Easter. Here's what I understand so far:

During Passover, people don't use any yeast so their bread doesn't rise. Also, they like to boil eggs and decorate them. Jesus hid everyone's eggs, so they were very upset. The Easter Bunny locked Jesus up in a tomb and rolled a giant egg in front of the door. Then everyone went hunting for their eggs. Three days later, when Mary Magdalene was walking past the tomb, the giant egg had rolled away and Jesus was gone!

Apparently people left all of their yeast in the tomb--Jesus had risen!

Mom and Dad said that Easter happens every year so I'll try to get more details next time. I think I would understand more but I slept through most of the service. That's another complicated thing I noticed about church--Mom and Dad really wanted me to fall asleep but other parents wanted their kids to stay awake. Which is it, anyway?

Dad and I took a picture with Father Pawel. I don't think I look like him at all. Sure, his hair is similar and when he smiles he kind of looks like a little kid, but he's much too tall. Plus I don't speak Polish! He told Dad that he knows someone who owns a motel in Roswell. Small world! He gave Mom and Dad a bunch of candy from an Easter basket.

Dad said I'll get an Easter basket of my own next year but he's going to fill it with only healthy stuff. I hope Peeps and Cadbury eggs are healthy because Mom says they're delicious!

On Monday Dad went back to work. Mom and I had lots of fun. We went to a huge park where they wash things (Mom called it Wash Park) and met other mothers and their babies. Mom was certainly the prettiest mother there and I was the youngest baby, so I think we were pretty popular. While Mom ate her peanut butter and jelly sandwich I laid on my back and watch the leaves rustle in the trees. It was magical.

During the week Mom and I visited her friends Julie and Rodney for lunch, played peekaboo, and snacked when I'm hungry. Mom's really nice to me all the time so I've been acting very well. I think she has things she wants to take care of but none of them are as cute as me so she just takes care of me instead.

I'm sleeping lots lately too, since Mom and Dad are starting to figure out what I want and when I want it. To thank them, I've started smiling occasionally and laughing at their jokes. Even when they aren't funny, Mom and Dad deserve to think they are. Dad is always excited to see me when he comes home and makes up really silly songs to sing to me. I guess I'll keep them.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

What's a fool, anyway?

For that matter, what's this April thing everyone's talking about? Dad says that I should say a whole bunch of stuff that isn't true but sounds true for the holiday today, but why would I lie on Palm Sunday? That's just silly. He's been playing practical jokes on me all day. Here's a picture of my reaction to one of his jokes:

Today, when we went to church, the priest was reading palms. Apparently he only does it once a year, but I remember something from Psalms last time, so I don't know if that's the same or not. As a parting gift, we took home part of a tree!

I almost forgot to tell everyone: my umbilical cord fell off about a week ago! It was old and crusty and I was happy to finally be rid of it. The darn thing stopped feeding me every since I decided to come outside and play. I think it was mad at me. Interesting fact, though: my belly button is actually a button! It must be true because Mom said so, and Dad likes when I say that because he says it's funny for April Fool's Day. I hope that the thread is really strong because I wouldn't want it to fall off--it's really cute!

Dad says that I shouldn't be baring my midriff for pictures on the internet, but I have to share. That is an adorable belly, if I do say so myself!

Mom's investment club invited me over for a meeting and they unanimously voted me the new president. My responsibilities don't begin until 2025, but I think they'll let me pick stocks before then.

Mom and Dad's friends Ted and Marta came over to visit. They brought a special chair for me that's squishy and purple. It's a little big still but I told them that I didn't mind. I'll eat extra to make it fit.

Well, I have to go tuck Mom and Dad into bed now. Dad keeps crying because he has to go to something called work tomorrow. He's such a big baby. I hope he doesn't keep me up all night.