Friday, March 30, 2007

It's not easy being three...

...weeks, that is! Mom and Dad say I'll be three weeks old tomorrow, but I FEEL a lot older! So much has happened to me, even since my visit to Doctor McGuirk.

On Sunday, I went to church for the first time! One priest was outside. He was very smiley and nice to me. He touched my forehead, blessed me, and you know what? I slept through the entire mass! It's too bad, though, because Mom and Dad think that I look like the Polish priest who delivered the sermon--he's got brown hair like mine and a round face. I'll be the judge next time!

We've been on long walks, car trips, and lots of time at home. I'm starting to get this world figured out, so now sometimes it's hard for me to sleep. There are just so many new exciting things! Other nights I sleep lots and when I wake up Mom and Dad look really happy, so I think I'll try harder to do that more often. I can't say that it will be easy, though, because Mom and Dad only want to sleep when it's dark, not just when they're sleepy! How do they do that? It's weird if you ask me.

Yesterday, when Mom opened up the window blinds, there was white stuff covering everything! Dad called it snow. Something about it made him really excited. Mom suggested that I should go jump in the snow like the kitties, and it looked really soft, but when we got to the window it felt really cold. Maybe I'll jump in the snow next time.

We bundled up and went out to dinner at Lodo's. There were crayons on the table for me, but I decided I'd rather sleep and let Mom and Dad have a nice dinner.

Today, all of the snow disappeared! Where did it go? Dad said the sun chased it away, but I think that's silly. Why would snow be afraid of the sun? They're both so bright!

This afternoon, during a nap, I had a dream about my grandparents. In the dream, they were playing with me and smiling lots.

I wonder what they're up to these days?

Mom and Dad say there are lots of other people in our family, too.

I can't wait to meet them all--they sound super neato!


GrandmaJ said...

We're just waiting until we can come to see our darling little Maddie!

GrandmaD said...

Madeleine, we really enjoy your blog or whatever this neat way you contact us is called. Grandpa and I sure do miss you.

Gail said...

Maddie, you tell the hippest stories. Girl, that belly button is so you! You have to tell me what happened when you met the cats. Did you touch 'em? Did they figure out who or what you were? They'll get over it.