Thursday, September 20, 2007

Swimming, Relatives and World Peace!

There's so much going on lately! It seems like every day I meet someone or learn something new!

On September 9th, Aunt Suzanne flew all the way from Korea (which is like a hundred miles away or something really, really far like that) to visit me. She was really excited to see Uncle Stanley so she only stayed one night, but we still had fun!

I've been staying with my 3rd grandma, Ghodsi, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. She's teaching me Farsi, so I'll have an easier time promoting international peace when I'm the President or Secretary of State. Speaking of peace, did you know that there's an international ceasefire day tomorrow, September 21? I didn't understand why anyone would set the seas on fire, but Mom and Dad explained that it means some kids aren't as lucky as me to have such a peaceful life. I was really sad at first, but then they explained that we can help by using our own talents to make the world a better place! So, I pledged at to use the greatest talent I have right now--cuteness--to encourage world peace! I hope it works!

It's really fun to play with her but soon next week I start going to Jack and Jill's Learning Center, which isn't nearly as bad as it sounds. I don't have to climb any hills or fetch any water, and there are really nice people there that will be sure that I won't fall down and break my crown! There are lots of toys to play with and I'll get to make even more friends, this time with people who are my age!

In case you didn't know, I'm six months old now. Mom and Dad took me to Wash Park Rec Center to celebrate the occasion with swimming lessons! There were lots of other kids there, too, and we all had tons of fun playing in the pool! I don't mean to brag, but I think I'm the youngest person in the class and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who really understands you have to kick your legs to move around. I don't even mind dunking my face in the water, even though Dad says I shouldn't drink too much pool water or there won't be any left for other swimmers...

Grandma and Grandpa J visited last weekend for five days! They took care of me on Saturday while Mom and Dad took a bike ride around Dillon Reservoir. That night I guess Mom and Dad slept for 12 whole hours but I don't really know why--they certainly haven't done anything like that since I've known them. Grandma J and I stayed up late (don't tell Mom and Dad!) and then I slept the entire night dreaming about red and blue birds with buckles on their shoes.

Oh, I almost forgot! Grandpa J turned 70 on Tuesday, even though he still acts like a little kid around me. Happy Birthday!

Uncle Andy visits this weekend. Since becoming the Godfather he's moved to Dallas and bought a really cool house with a nice backyard for my cousin Vegas. We're going to ride bicycles in Fort Collins on Saturday!


Gail said...

Hey Maddy,
I like that you're already promoting Peace. You go girl! Are you done with swimming lessons? Did they give you a certificate for the course? You're getting ready for your Hawaiian vacation, huh?

How's your Farsi lesson going? Maybe you can teach me one day. Yes, if you're running for President one day, you should be multi-lingual. :)

Did you enjoy the Tour de Fat Tire? I saw some clips on the news and some of those bikers were dressed pretty wild! Did you have a fav?

Isn't it fun to have visitors? Are your parents making plans for a big Christmas celebration somewhere?

Well, have a good week.


Anonymous said...

Hi Madeleine (and Lisa)!

Look at you get big! I can't believe how pretty you are... just like your mommy, of course! Looks like you have your Dad's eyes too.

Keep up the blogging- I look forward to checking it weekly.

Ciao bella!