Monday, June 4, 2007

I'm still here, I promise!

Dad's finally on vacation so he's promised to help me catch up on my blog.

And boy, has a lot happened!
I've really changed in the last three weeks. I went from being really, really fussy all the time:

To the sweetest bundle of fun you can imagine:

I'm not sure if it was my trip to Kansas and all that quality Grandma and Grandpa J time or if I'm just growing up, but I feel totally different these days. I now like to spend my days hanging out in my swing or bouncy seat, laughing, smiling, and squealing with excitement when I find something neat about the world I haven't noticed before. A couple weeks ago, all I really wanted to do was cry. I guess it's good that I've changed, because Mom and Dad were talking about shipping me off to Siberia, and I hear (although the people are nice) that it's not the most fun place on the planet.

I hope everyone is well... and that I'll see you all soon!


GrandmaD said...

Hello Sweet Madeliene,
It was wonderful to have your update. Tell your Mom and Dad that you hear New Mexico is much closer than Siberia. We are really anxious to get to see you again and see all that you have learned. Love you, Grandpa and Grandma D

GrandmaJ said...

Hi Maddie!
We cherished every moment you were here in Kansas, and are sure the good Kansas air had something to do with your improved attitued.
Have lots of fun when Grandma & Grandpa D come to visit.

Love you and your wonderful parents.
Grandma & Granpa J

Jetjohnson said...


We hear that your positve attitude came from visiting KU and getting to see a Jayhawk.

Like your curls.

Love, Aunt Suzanne and Uncle Stan

Jetjohnson said...

Madeleine - I've been in South Korea for a few weeks and found out that Grandma and Grandpa Johnson are enroute to take over while your Mom and Dad take to the woods...don't worry - G&G have had practice and have done a really good job of taking care of kids - all the way to adulthood! You'll be fed, changed, and hugged and kissed to your heart's content. Now, here's my request. Update your blog so that I've got something to show my new friends.

BTW: The details for your blog show up in Hongul (Korean alphabet) while I'm logged in. See: 같은 일부 태그를 사용할 수 있습니다. I have no idea what that means, but I love you.

Aunt Suzanne