And boy, has a lot happened!
I've really changed in the last three weeks. I went from being really, really fussy all the time:

To the sweetest bundle of fun you can imagine:

I'm not sure if it was my trip to Kansas and all that quality Grandma and Grandpa J time or if I'm just growing up, but I feel totally different these days. I now like to spend my days hanging out in my swing or bouncy seat, laughing, smiling, and squealing with excitement when I find something neat about the world I haven't noticed before. A couple weeks ago, all I really wanted to do was cry. I guess it's good that I've changed, because Mom and Dad were talking about shipping me off to Siberia, and I hear (although the people are nice) that it's not the most fun place on the planet.
I hope everyone is well... and that I'll see you all soon!