Friday, March 30, 2007

It's not easy being three...

...weeks, that is! Mom and Dad say I'll be three weeks old tomorrow, but I FEEL a lot older! So much has happened to me, even since my visit to Doctor McGuirk.

On Sunday, I went to church for the first time! One priest was outside. He was very smiley and nice to me. He touched my forehead, blessed me, and you know what? I slept through the entire mass! It's too bad, though, because Mom and Dad think that I look like the Polish priest who delivered the sermon--he's got brown hair like mine and a round face. I'll be the judge next time!

We've been on long walks, car trips, and lots of time at home. I'm starting to get this world figured out, so now sometimes it's hard for me to sleep. There are just so many new exciting things! Other nights I sleep lots and when I wake up Mom and Dad look really happy, so I think I'll try harder to do that more often. I can't say that it will be easy, though, because Mom and Dad only want to sleep when it's dark, not just when they're sleepy! How do they do that? It's weird if you ask me.

Yesterday, when Mom opened up the window blinds, there was white stuff covering everything! Dad called it snow. Something about it made him really excited. Mom suggested that I should go jump in the snow like the kitties, and it looked really soft, but when we got to the window it felt really cold. Maybe I'll jump in the snow next time.

We bundled up and went out to dinner at Lodo's. There were crayons on the table for me, but I decided I'd rather sleep and let Mom and Dad have a nice dinner.

Today, all of the snow disappeared! Where did it go? Dad said the sun chased it away, but I think that's silly. Why would snow be afraid of the sun? They're both so bright!

This afternoon, during a nap, I had a dream about my grandparents. In the dream, they were playing with me and smiling lots.

I wonder what they're up to these days?

Mom and Dad say there are lots of other people in our family, too.

I can't wait to meet them all--they sound super neato!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Good work McGuirk!

Today has been very, very busy. I found out why Mom and Dad gave me a bath: they took me back to that hospital place again. They kept saying, "It's your first doctor's visit!" but I remember meeting lots of doctors the last time I was here. I guess this doctor is special. I thought his name was Petey Atrician, but Dad said his name is McGuirk. Dad also said he was really, really old and wrinkly, but Dad was totally wrong. Silly Dad.

A nice lady nurse poked at me with stuff and set me in a big plastic box. The box flashed some numbers: 7 pounds 10 ounces. I guess those numbers are lucky or better than other numbers, because Mom and Dad and the nurse were really happy when they saw them. The nurse also said that I grew half an inch, but I'm sure I've grown at least five-eighths.

Doc McGuirk came in after and made weird faces and noises at me like Dad and Mom do sometimes. He was pretty fun. He said that I was a "boring patient" which he said is a good thing. I guess it means that he thinks I'm fabulous. I hardly fussed at all and Mom said I was a very good girl. I totally agree.

Then we went downstairs to this evil place called the Labrador Torrey. There weren't any puppies but there was some evil, ugly lady who stuck my heel with a needle and squeezed blood out of it for practically an hour! I'd rather never go back there again. But I'm tough, so I could probably handle it.

Later at Target, Mom and Dad both wandered off--Dad looking at ground pork, Mom looking at plums--and left me sitting in the grocery cart near the deli. It was only for two seconds and I was fine. I can take care of myself, you know. They both laughed but they both looked a little worried. I think they both thought the other would watch me. Silly parents. They should get some sleep!

Baths are worse than being hungry!

Mom and Dad just poured water on my head again! That's the second time this week! What did I do to them? First, they took all my clothes off, then they got me wet all over, and then they rubbed this weird feeling gooey stuff in my hair! The head massage was kind of nice but then they poured water on my head again!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Fort Collins is humongerous!

Today Mom and Dad took me to Fort Collins to meet Mom's friend Joanna. After a long, long car ride on something called an interstate, we finally stopped, Mom fed me lunch and Dad changed my diaper in a pretty park. I dozed off while Mom and Dad ate their picnic lunch. Dad found out that it's okay to take strollers on the New Belgium Brewery tour but didn't get any tickets, so we just looked at all the pretty bicycles outside instead. Oh, someday my feet will reach the pedals!

We walked around Old Town, which all looked new to me, and Dad changed my diaper in a neat store full of stuff that was my size! I tried on some sunglasses. They looked fabulous on me.

I met Joanna in a room full of colorful books called a library--some that I already have! She was very, very nice.

After I patiently waited for Mom, Dad and Joanna to eat (okay, maybe I was a little fussy) we drove on the interstate again and came back home. Mom took a bath while Dad and I played Spaceship Madeleine. All in all, it was a good day. :)